Monday, July 20, 2009

2 months and 17 months

Marin is two months old and it is hard to believe. She is becoming quite a delightful baby who gives you the best smiles when you go to get her out of her crib in the mornings. She is a great sleeper at night usually sleeping 8-10 hours without waking which is a blessing for us. During the day she still prefers to be held when she sleeps but we treasure these times most days since we know all to fast she will prefer to be on her own. We are also learning that Marin is a baby of process not the end result and you cannot rush her process. She also gives you warning signs she wants to be picked up and it is in our best interest to heed those signs and pick her up pretty quick. She loves warm baths, music, and watching her brother run around. Marin continues to love to be in motion so much so that we pray we never hit any red lights while she is in the car or else the whaling begins. The other day I turned around when she was screaming in her car seat to find Symeon with both his fingers in his ears. I have to admit I wanted to do the same thing. She has a good strong pair of lungs and she is not afraid to use them when necessary. This past month she was diagnosed with GERD which is acid reflux in babies and since starting her medicene she has been a different baby it was quite a relief to figure out what was making her so upset all the time. Also in this last month she has begun letting Shawn hold her which is a blessing. When she is really upset or sometimes in the evening she still wants me but it is nice to see Shawn sitting on the couch holding her peacefully while she is awake. Our little girl is maturing she no longer looks like a new born she holds her head up well, flips herself from her belly to her back, and follows us and Symeon wherever we go in the room. She is a delight and we are really enjoying her. Here are a few pictures of our sweet girl.

An Eagles fan already!

This is often how Marin likes to sleep! This is the cutest outfit a friend gave us Life if Good for this little babe!

Just a sweet little girl!

This is one of those warning signs letting you know it is time to pick her up. Like my Dad would say she has us trained well, when we see the lip one of us is quick to pick her up.

Symeon is 17 months old and that is even harder to beleive. He is a very busy toddler running everywhere he goes saying new words like dishes, playground, sissy, cheese, and teeth. He has other ways of getting his point across as well some we appreciate more than others. Overall though he is sweet, loving, curious, and active. He loves to help with dishes, use sidewalk chalk, take baths or do anything with water, he kisses his sister without us asking him to, and he hits her in the head sometimes as well but we cherish the moments of love between them. He is learning so much he loves fans any kind and he is a budding soccer player kicking every ball he sees. He still sleeps well most night unless he is cutting teeth. One of his favorite things is Cat in the Hat which he sleeps with and he has a video he loves. Shawn and I are often humming the tunes at all times of the day and sometimes when I wake up at night it is in my head which is annoying. Symeon is a joy to be around and his love for M&M's and ice cream come from his Dad not me! Here are a few great pictures of our little guy just being himself.

He loves wearing either of our shoes.

He loves the water!

Here he is just relaxing watching Cat in the Hat I am sure!

I am not sure if you can tell from this picture but there is food dried to his face which is a regular problem for him. I would need to wipe his face about a 100 times a day if I really wanted it to be clean all the time. He loves dips meaning ketchup, syrup, or barbque sauce on just about anything so he often is sticky or messy and I have given up trying to keep on top of it. So yes there are times when my child goes to the store with a dirty face. Oh the horror!!

Symeon loves to help with dishes he, when you turn the water on in the sink he throws his hands above his head yells dishes and begins pushing over his chair. He usually makes soaks himself and the floor but he has such fun and honestly it makes doing dishes for Shawn and I much more enjoyable since we both hate to do them.


Lisa said...

Wow! the changes! Symeon is at one of my favorite ages so far....for about the next year. So stinkin cute and they are learning rapidly. I can't believe how good he is with the soccer ball. Your kids have mad physical skills! Thanks so much for the update. Oh, and so funny that he had his fingers in his years. The three of you will develop a new motto in life: If Marin ain't happy, ain't nobody happy! :) We have the same one here, just a different name.

Lisa said...

Years? No, ears.