Symeon continues to love cooking. As I was making supper tonight he was helping and he had just about every utensil out the drawer to get the work done.
Symeon will empty out his toy box, crawl in, and the cutest part is that he will just lay in there and talk to himself. He is so sweet.
He is also beginning to climb on everything and his toy box has proven to be the perfect height.
Symeon prefers to sit at the table like a big guy. We used to tell him to go to his chair when it was time to eat and he would head to his high chair but now when you tell him to go to his chair to eat he heads for a regular chair. We are amazed that he will basically sit on a regular chair the entire time he eats. Tonight we put a few books on the chair so he was level with the table. We tried pulling his high chair to the table with out the tray on it and that way he is level with the table but he prefers to sit on a regular chair which is fine. He has learned the hard way though that if he keeps getting down he has to go in his high chair. It really only took a few times of putting him into his high chair and now he sits in the big guy chair for his entire meal.
I just showed Austin these pictures and he said "OHHHHH but wait Symeon looks like a little person." Then he went on to say how cute he was but he was really taken back on how big he has gotten. I wish you where here to see his face. He is dying to see you guys hopefully soon....
I love your hair, Symeon. You're so rockstar already. Is Daddy planning on puffing up your hair so you look like Lawlis?
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