Tuesday, October 2, 2012

A small head wound

Okay so Babes loves band-aids and to be honest I have no issues with applying a few every now and then and I love fun ones as much as the kids.  When we all saw these Muppet ones in the store we knew we had to buy.  Well Marin whacked her head the other day coming in from our back yard now mind you there is no broken skin and only a slight bruise but the need for a band-aid was great.  I helped her put one on and went back outside a few minutes later she came out with several more which were obviously needed.  The only problem was they were over her eyebrow ooops that is going to hurt and stuck in her hair ouch!  She usually will just rip a band-aid off when she is finished with it but this time when she went to rip she winced and decided to leave them on.  Well it was late and time for bed so the next morning she ended up needing to wear them to school and dance class where every one was so concerned about her massive head trauma that did not exist.  We finally removed them evening during her bath with a bit of rubbing alcohol to remove the sticky before we took them off.

The funny part of this whole story is that the next day she put a ring over her head and when I went to get it off it was to tight.  I had to give it a pull since it was stuck and when I did I scraped her forehead and for that open wound she did not need a band-aid.  Here logic is clear to her but not always to me.  

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