Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Our trip to the dentist

Both our kids love going to the dentist.  They love the chairs, the x-rays, the floss everything about it is fun.  This is not their first time Symeon went really young after a small accident and a chipped tooth and Marin has been several times.  This time I was surprised to have the dentist tell me that Symeon had a very loose front tooth.  He asked if anything had happened and I said no.  We have to go back and have it checked in a month to see what is up.  When I told Shawn he informed me during their trip to Atlanta that Symeon smacked his front tooth into Shawn's leg oops sorry doc I guess there was some sort of trauma.  Shawn said he cried for a minute then was on his way not exactly the reaction you would guess from knocking your tooth loose but about right for Symeon. 

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