Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Mommy son lunch - no more toddler all little boy

On Sunday Shawn and Marin were a bit under the weather so they stayed home from church..So after Church Symeon and I went out to one of our favorite restaurants.  I enjoyed our time together just talking about all kinds of thing that interested him.  I pray we will always be able to talk about what matters to him in life whatever his age.  I was struck by this amazing little guy who watched the world around him with curious and insightful eyes.  We always have the same waiter at this restaurant so he knows us pretty well.  After he took our order on Sunday and walked away Symeon said why is he wearing a red shirt today he always wears a blue shirt.  I had realized there was something different about him but I couldn't put my finger on what it was but Symeon noticed right away.  He takes in his world noticing everything and remembering it as well.  I love watching his mind working behind those beautiful brown eyes.  As we approach his 4th birthday I am reminded of the gift he is to me, to our family, and to the world.  I am so thankful for any quiet moments we can spend together, I was so blessed by being with him on Sunday.    

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