Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Winter Program at school

Symeon had his winter program at school and it was so sweet.  In the beginning of December when we mentioned a winter program at school and the Christmas program at Church he informed us that he would not be doing any programs this year.  I tried to dig into why since he has loved being a part of the programs in the past but he just said he did not want to do them this year. I said okay and we moved on honestly whatever he wanted to do was fine with us.

In both Sunday School and Preschool they began practicing the songs they would sing and we would sing them at home be he still insisted that he would not be in any programs.  Finally last week he told Shawn that he was "considering" being in the programs but he would let us know.  We both laughed at the use of considering  but if you know him I am pretty sure he was going over it in his mind deciding what he was going to do.  Finally this past week he let us that he had decided to be in the programs.  I must confess I wasn't sure he was going to go through with either one the day of the shows but that was fine too.  Well it was a bumpy ride at church but in the end he participated in both his programs and loved it. 

Here are a few pictures from his school program.  I am going to do a church post later because it is a bit of a longer story. 

His preschool class sang two songs and show stealer was Snowey Pokey put your mitten in, put your hat in, put your scarf in etc.  There was a lot of yelling snowey pokey with  was a hit. 

 Here was Symeon's biggest fan waiting for the show to begin

 At this point it was like herding cats but they were so cute.  Symeon is on the right with the green hat Oma made him and his soccer scarf.  

 How cute are they

 I think he finally saw spotted us in the audience

 Here's Snowey Pokey put your scarf in

Here's my sweet guy post performance.  He did such a good job and really enjoyed himself which was the most important thing.  Whenever I catch a picture of him with his beautiful dark brown eyes looking black I am reminded of him as a baby.  People use to always be amazed at how dark his eyes were from birth and  against his pale white skin it is striking just like his Daddy's eyes. 

1 comment:

The Hamons said...

They are so beautiful!!