Thursday, September 15, 2011

Pretty sure I did not take this picture

I found this picture on my camera so I am pretty sure Symeon was doing some still shots when I was giving Marin a bath.  Although he is not suppose to touch my camera he did capture our everyday life.  Why in the world their tooth brushes are on the counter is beside me but that is life in a nutshell.

As I was flipping through some other pictures on my camera I was shocked to find a picture of a little boy's private parts taking from his perspective.  It caught me so off guard I was like what in the world and then I realized he took the picture himself and I cracked up.  I called Shawn over and told him he needed to see this picture as I was laughing hysterically.  Shawn walked over and said oh yah he showed me that picture he said look Dad I too a picture of my pepee.  Well that just made me laugh harder.  I decided not to post the picture but the story had to be told.

1 comment:

Amy said...

1. Love this post!!! I'm still laughing. I find series of pictures all the time on my camera of things from their perspective, only never a penis! Too funny!

2. It was so good to see you in CT. My only regret is that in the idst of the 100 kids I really didn't get to sit and chat with you. Maybe next time.

3. Thank you so much for your sweet words about our new baby. You literally brought me to tears! So sweet of you to reach out and speak 'life' into our lives. God has blessed beyond my dreams and I am so happy! Thank you for rejoicing with us! Likewise, I LOVED watching you with your kids. It's hard sometimes to get past the picture in my head of us as teenagers and to view you as a wife and mom, but your pictures and stories bring a smile to my face everytime. Your kids are the luckiest kids to have you and Shawn! Oh, and I love that you always call Marin "Babes."

Thank you!!!