Thursday, September 15, 2011

2 ER visits in two weeks

Well life is never boring around my house with two very active children ER visits have been a normal part of our life ever since Symeon was born but 2 in two weeks is a record even for us.  The first visit was a possible broken foot when a dumbell fell on Symeon's foot.  We decided to take him since he was so upset and honestly it takes a lot of pain to get Symeon worked up I only saw him this upset one other time and that is when he broke his arm.  We were seen quickly and the X-rays done with good results he only smashed his toe nail.  I thought oh good no cast etc and then they said they needed to burn a hole in his nail to relieve the pressure because it was building so much under his nail he would probably not be able to walk.  So I explained to Symeon the situation and told him it was really going to hurt and he said OKAY Mom let's do this thing.  We both laughed and then I held him tight as they burned a hole in his toenail.  He screamed for about 10 seconds during the procedure and then he was over it and we went home with an oozing nail and a tired sore kid.  Overall we were really lucky.

The second trip came on our vacation to the mountains over this past weekend.  Shawn and Symeon headed out on a bike ride and they were having a great time until Symeon's trail bike that is connected to Shawn's larger bike broke free and Symeon went down.  We are not sure how he fell because Shawn did not see him but we feel blessed that it happened on a bike path not on the road and about 20 yards from a firehouse.  The firemen were impressed that he was not even crying when they walked up to the door to get some help and once I saw his face I was surprised he wasn't crying either.  Shawn called me and I went to pick them up and when I saw my sweet guy's face I was pretty sure we were headed to the ER and with all the firefighters recommending we go we headed off.  Once again X-ray's for possible broke elbows and a thorough examination and more good news nothing was broken and overall he was so lucky.  They said it was  blessing he was wearing a helmet or it could have been way worse (so there is my plug for helmets).  Shawn felt terrible but we both realize it could have been so much worse. 

I took this picture of his face about a day and half later because honestly I could not bring myself to take a picture of him the first day because it would have been like taking pictures of someone with a birth defect just to show your friends just wrong on so many levels.  The swelling went down quickly and now he is just left with some major scrapes on his face, elbows, and knees.  As always he took both experiences like a champ with so many doctors and nurses marveling at his calm relaxed demeanor in the midst of great pain.  I think he might be a doctor or something because honestly he loves a good ER visit which is good because I am sure we will be spending a  lot of time in them over the years. 

The hard part was explaining to the firemen and doctors that the chipped tooth in the front was not from this fall but from another mishap that almost knocked out his front teeth.  Oh yeah he broke his arm and the reason he does not want you to examine his feet is because he just had a hole burned in one toe nail last week because of another incident.  Oh yes doctor we are really good parents!

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