Thursday, September 16, 2010

A funny kind of day

Any of you who know me well know that weird things happen to me rather often.  I warned Shawn before we were married and now he experiences my adventures and silly mishaps on a regular basis.  I think Symeon inherited this particular jean or it might have more to do with his need to explore everything in his 2 year old world. 

So today two rather funny/weird things happened.  First we went to the chiropractor and while I was getting Marin out of her car seat in a busy parking lot Symeon asked to sit in the front seat which was fine by me. As I pulled Marin out and closed her door I heard the car doors lock and for a second I panicked but I did have my keys so I pushed my unlock button on my key chain and hence set off my car alarm.   Symeon and Marin thought it was so funny and so did I when I looked up to the wall of windows and the entire waiting room was watching. I just started laughing which cracked up Symeon and Marin even more.  As we went to go in  I noticed Symeon had turned on the flashers and when I reached into the car to turn them off I bumped the horn and the laughs started all over again. 

Later in the day we were headed to Target and I was driving.  Symeon was in his seat directly behind me.  We stopped at a red light on a busy road with 4 lanes and as I am looking in my side mirror I see the back door open into traffic. I said Shawn's Symeon's door is open we both turned around and I grabbed the door, shut it and locked it.  I guess one time when Symeon was standing there he clicked off the child lock that is on the inside of the door so he could easily open it.  No harm done but gosh a weird feeling.

On a lighter note Symeon told me he was going to marry me and that when he grew up he wanted to be a Mommy not a Daddy.  I  agreed to both since trying to explain the details seemed a bit pointless.

Also Shawn was able to remove the quarter from my laptop camera card slot so hopefully it will still work.   

1 comment:

Lisa said...

I miss getting to be the one with you when these things happen. And they do. regularly.