I must say I was truly blessed with Marin's delivery. Although she was 10 days overdue I really enjoyed every minute of waiting for her. I was really comfortable and overall pretty happy waiting except for all the stress tests they made us go through and Marin would constantly fail them and off to the hospital we would go to see how she was doing. She was always fine and finally a doctor who had some sense said I didn't have to have any more because the baby wasn't active during the day which is exactly what I told them. Anyway I digress...
On Sunday May 17th they were going to induce me but with much prayer Marin decided to make her appearance all on her own on Saturday May 16th. I went to bed Friday night without feeling anything, no contractions nothing. I woke up Saturday morning at 6:30 to a really hard contraction and I thought this might be it and it might be really quick. I had contractions all morning pretty regularly but decided I would time them when I couldn't talk through them and that came around 1 pm. At 1:30 I called the mid wife and she said I should come in and get checked. When I arrived at the hospital around 2 pm them put me in this room with a curtain to see if I was really in labor. I told them I was really in labor because when we left our home to go to the hospital I told Shawn we need to leave now before I am not able to walk anymore on my own.
They hooked me up to a monitor and said you are having some strong contractions and they are really lasting quite a long time and I told them their machine was correct. The nurse then checked to see if I was dialaited and I told her I when I came with my son I was 7 cm and I was hoping for the same or better and she said since my contractions hadn't been that hard for long I was probably more like 4 cm but to her surprise I was 7 cm and they decided they should get me to a private room.
I stood up the rest of the time and only laid down when it was time to deliver the baby. I had an amazing nurse who was so supportive and Shawn as usual was steady, calm, loving, and supportive during the whole process. I really worked through this delivery in my mind and came up with a plan that really worked well for me. I used a montra and Shawn and I discussed how I wanted to have him help me with the pain. Overall it went smoothly and I was blessed to progress quickly. When it was time to push Shawn said I had the nurse and midwife scrambling because Marin came out so quickly. I think I pushed about 4 times and Marin was in my arms. Two hours after arriving at the hospital I was holding my beautiful baby girl. I am truly blessed to have had such an "easy" delivery and the gift of a beautiful healthy baby. Marin is named after a place in California that means so much to Shawn and I and her middle name Treva is after my Grandmother who passed away shortly before Symeon was born.
So is it prounounced ma-RIN or MAR-in? :) I love hearing birth stories! I have this fear that even though I made it through Evan's birth with no meds that #2 won't be as "easy"!! (no, we're not pregnant, btw!).
Such a nice story...I'm still waiting for one of those '4-pushers'. You'd think #5 would just fall out...no such luck! You're a trooper!
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