Thursday, December 4, 2008

9 months a little late

Well I have been missing awhile I was waiting on a new laptop which is really nice and much faster than my old one. Although we have a desktop I call that Shawn's computer on Shawn's desk and we learned early in our marriage if we wanted to stay married he leaves my desk and computer alone and I do the same for him. This arrangement has led to great marital peace and I was not about to shake that up by using his computer to blog. So hopefully with my new found speed I will be able to keep the blog updated. I guess Thanksgiving and away for 10 days on vacation also slowed me down a bit.

With that said Symeon turned 9 months old in November and his doctor congratulated him with blood work. She checked his iron and for lead which is something she does for every 9 month old. He is fine and he did well. They tried his arm first but his vein was to small so they went to his finger. Here he is all bandaged up after his trauma. Shawn said he did really well and it didn't seem to bother him to much. He also got lots of attention for this bandage.

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