Thursday, December 18, 2008

10 months brought my worst fear

Well it finally happened what I have been dreading since I found out I was pregnant. Seriously I thought about this during my pregnancy and also over the last 10 months quite often. You might be thinking what terrible thing could have happened I hope everyone is alright and yes we are surviving yet we are changed. My worst fear realized is ..... vomiting... aka the stomach flu. Yes Symeon has had the stomach flu this week and although it could have been worse it was bad enought for his first time. My Mom and anyone who knows me well can attest that I am not a good vomiter it gets me very upset. I also have a quick gag reflex even when I feel fine and I have a keen sense of smell that can challange the most gifted police sniffing drug dog. At times my super sniffer has been a blessing but on occassions like this it is a curse.

I am glad to have one stomach flu behind me but I must confess when I walked into his room because I heard a funny noise and found my poor little guy crying and covered in vomit I wondered if I could do this hundreds of more times in the course of his life. I must admit what everyone said is true when it is your kid it is different. I was able to stay in the room with him, have vomit on myself and not care, I never got sick or even gaged, and I was able to comfort him at his worst moments so overall I would say we came through it all pretty good. I must also admit what everyone said is not true it is still vomit whether it is your kid or not, the smell, the clean up, the overall sick feeling you get when you see it all of these things are the same. But I must say thank God for great husbands with strong stomachs. Shawn did alot of the clean up of bedding and stuff when I was cleaning up Symeon or comforting our little guy. Actually Shawn and I both got sick as well just not as bad as Symeon and Shawn was sicker than me for the first time ever.

So to end this not so pleasant post I would like to thank my own Mom for years of holding back my hair and offering unwavering sympathy, love, and comfort during the stomach flu. You were a good teacher. Sometimes you don't think to thank your Mom for things like this until you do it yourself and you realize the sacrafice of love, sleep, and patience offered on your behalf often while they are sick themselves. So this week I added one more notch on the Mom belt, the stomach flu survived.

I didn't take any pictures for obvious reasons. I will try to post some of Symeon from Christmas with Shawn's Mom and family we had such a nice weekend with them but I haven't had a chance to post anything due to the infamous first stomach flu.


Rae said...

Ugh. You are soooo right; it's terrible!! So glad you made it through....and you'll make it through the next time too!

For years Rand would get sick every three months. It was like clockwork and it was HORRIBLE! She would throw up for two days straight and then be fine. It was crazy! She was tested for all sorts of things but she eventually outgrew it. Thank the Lord!! We ended up buying leather furniture because I couldn't stand the idea of her laying on my upholstered couch and getting sick (she was little and couldn't always get her special bowl in time).

Ah...the life of a mama!!

Anonymous said...

Ok Shelva I read through all of that, but you can't get away with a story like that, with out posting new pictures of Symeon.!!
can't wait to see you soon xoxoxo traci