Every night when I put Symeon to bed he says he has a question. I have learned that I need to give him space at this time of day because it is often when I find out if anything is bothering him or what is going on in his mind. I have learned to treasure these moments with him. The other night he talked for about an hour straight with questions which I found amazing and so interesting. He is a very thoughtful and insightful child and his questions never cease to amaze me. Tonight it started with Mom I just have one question and here is what happened.
Me: go ahead Symeon what is your question
Symeon: Why is Halloween on Monday
Me: because that is when it is on the calendar on October 31st
Symeon: Okay
Symeon: Mom
Me: Yes Symeon
Symeon: What if you and Daddy die and Babes and I don't?
Me: (in my mind what in the world) Honey if Daddy and I die you and Babes will still have each other and you guys would be together.
Symeon: Okay but if you die how would we go shopping we don't know how to go shopping without you?
Me: (at this point I want to cry but I hold it together) Oh Symeon guy if we die you and Babes will go together to live with someone else in our family you guys would not be alone and they would shop for you.
Symeon: But we still won't know how to shop without you.
Me: The people who love you who you will be living with will teach you and Babes how to shop when you are old enough to shop on your own.
Symeon: Okay Mom but it will be sad if you and Daddy die (crying)
Me: Yes honey it will be sad for all of us but you don't have to worry Daddy and Mommy are here right now and we are going to take care of you.
Symeon: Can we live with Miss Tep? (our neighbor)
Me: No honey Miss Tep is to old to take care of you and Babes
Symeon: What if you and Daddy go away overnight without me and Babes?
Me: Well then someone will come and take care of you we won't leave you alone and we will always come back for you. We love you so much!
Symeon: Mom what is God's phone number?
Me: (in my mind okay we have switched topics good) well honey God doesn't have a phone number
Symeon: Why? Then how does he hear me when I am talking to him?
Me: (in my mind Seminary answer or 3 year old answer they are about the same so here goes) Well honey God is everywhere and he can hear you even you if you say things in your mind or heart. God doesn't hear the same way we do. He is omnipresent, he is everywhere all the time.
Symeon: How does he do that Mom be omeprezent?
Me: I don't know Symeon part of believing in God is understanding that we don't know everything about him yet we still believe and that is faith. Something we just have to take on faith.
Symeon: Without a phone how do I hear God? I don't hear him Mom.
Me: Well God doesn't talk like I talk he talks in our hearts he whispers in our hearts and it takes practice to hear God. Everyone hears him different and part of loving God is figuring our how you hear God.
Symeon: Okay but I haven't heard him yet.
Me: Okay but he has heard you and we will just keep listening for him, God always comes.
Symeon: Mom why is Halloween on Monday?
Me: (we came full circle so I knew he was done) Because it is on the calendar honey and goodnight I love you!
Symeon: Okay goodnight Mom I love you too!
Me: (in the hall in my head wow that was wild and difficult God I hope I answered him well. I hope I pointed him back to you. I hope I relieved some of his fears. I feel so inadequate help me to walk with him in this life not with all the answers but with a listening and loving ear that always has time for him to ask. God can you hear me? How do you hear me without a phone number?)
I relish these times with him and I pray that he is always able to ask me hard questions. I love his tender heart and I love to know that he is thinking about God.