Sunday, March 27, 2011

Li'l Kickers

Well for you folks who read our blog on a regular basis you may remember Symeon's Lil Kickers pictures from several months ago well it is a new season and we decided to sign Marin up this cycle as well.  We had hesitated because she is so young and we didn't know if she would follow the class but after an entire season of trying to keep her off the field when we were watching Symeon we decided she was ready.  She is in the class that is parent interactive where as Symeon works with his coach and we sit on the sidelines.  We are two weeks in and she loves it and they both love going together, their classes are right next to each other so they can see one another and they are so cute.  Symeon is doing great the other day he came off the field for a water break and he said Mom I beat all the other kids when we were running.  I agreed he was really fast but that sometime he would be faster and sometimes other kids might be faster and as long as he was having fun he was doing great. I am all for healthy competition and I am all for having fun so learning to balance them seems important. 

They play a game called alien and the coach acts like a funny alien and the kids kick balls at her to get her back to space.  I didnt' think much of the game except huh I don't really like them kicking balls at her but yet I see the point with ball control etc.  Well both times they played Symeon sat down on the field.  I went out and told him he needed to listen to his coach etc and play.  He stood up but did not really interact.  Later I asked him what was going on and he said that the alien is scary and he did not like to kick balls at his coach he said it was mean.  I though gosh I love this tender kind child and I though gosh I do not want him to go against his moral compass in life so what do I tell him. I finally decided on asking him if there was a way he could play that worked for him and we came up with kicking the ball around the field but that he did not have to kick it at his coach's feet.  He seemed happy with this solution since he could run and kick the ball which he loves but he didn't have to be mean to his coach.  A win win oh if only all our moral questions could be solved so easily.  Gosh I was one proud Mama!

Due to Shawn's flexible schedule he is able to go to the class every week and every week when we get close Symeon says Dad you have to warm me up before Lil Kickers starts and every week Shawn and Symeon run around the field chasing the ball and they are both so happy.  Well when it was Marin's first week Symeon made sure he claimed Shawn for warm up telling me and that I could warm Babes up.  Then Shawn said to me in the sweetest way ok who is going to be the one to go on the field with Marin during the class and it was very clear that he wanted to be the one and I was glad to let it be him.  So the second week I was on the field with Marin and she seemed a bit sulky which can happen from time to time and finally it hit me she wanted Shawn so I asked her do you want Daddy to play soccer and her face lite up and she said Yahhh!  So Shawn came on and I went off a bit wounded but happy for both of them because they had a blast together and that warmed this Mama's heart. 

Seriously I am not sure there is anything cuter than Marin in this uniform.  She is an XXS and even then the shorts are big and there is only about 2 inches of her leg showing.  But come the day she is so excited to put on her uniform and she does great listening and following directions.  She is young in her class but she is awesome in so many ways and like her brother she loves to score goals and for all you soccer folk out there she is a left foot kicker which just makes her Daddy super happy!!!

 Symeon is doing great.  He listens well to his coach and loves to play he really loves to shoot the ball and score.  He is really good for his age with great ball control and a really strong kick so many things to make his Dad shine when he watches him.  

Here they are showing each other their stamps they get after their class.  They were so cute  and excited for one another.

One super proud and happy Daddy!


1 comment:

Lisa said...

SO stinkin cute! Can't believe they have classes for her size. :) I'm glad to hear that she is cooperative...we signed Amanda up for this spring I was thinking we have less than 50% chance of it going well, but if Marin is following directions and staying with the group then probably Amanda will too.

Love your mountain views...always amazes me!