Monday, November 29, 2010

From PA to CO

Well we finally decided to drive cross country with our kids and it was a blast.  We had such a good time and the kids did great.  They were awesome in the car and they loved staying in hotels.  Marin had bronchitis and yet she was a trooper through it all.  They only watched their DVD a little bit which was good and we found lots of activities to entertain them and some key snacks that I would normally never feed them like cheese balls and Scooby snacks.  Symeon made up songs to sing to us all and when Marin was having a hard time falling asleep she would ask to hold our hands which we would do and then she would drift off quietly it was so sweet.  I think she needed that bit of security when her whole world was being turned upside down.  Here are two of the only pictures I took on our trip but it does sum up the  majority of our days. 

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