I have been putting off this post because I am not quite ready to accept that our baby girl is soon to be one. We have been very intentional about enjoying every stage of her life and although I do not want her to go back to a small baby I do want her to stop for a just a few moments longer so I can drink in this stage in her development.
Marin becomes more and more delightful with age. She laughs so often and it is contagious. She smiles easily and her new thing is giving lots of love. She walks up to you and looks straight up at you until you bend down and hug her. She will go back and forth between Shawn and I over and over giving and receiving lots of love. She melts our hearts on a daily basis and makes us laugh all the time. Marin continues to be so expressive. It is so fun to sit back and watch her do her thing she tools all around investigating and learning as she goes.
She continues to be very active this month she has learned how to climb down which is good because she use to just stand and cry for help and now she gets down on her own and continues on her journey. This new element of independence has brought some injuries and most of the time there is so sort of mark on her face that tells a tale of her adventures. She has also started walking backwards all around the apartment. It is funny to watch and she enjoys it so much. When we say we are going bye bye she walks over grabs her shoes brings them to you and sits down in front of you so you can put them on her. Since she conquered walking so early she has begun speeding up to a slow run most of the time. If you catch her doing something which is often she will take off "running" it is so funny it is hard to scold her. Shawn and I have said she acts more like an 18 month old rather than an 11 month old. Her new thing is that she loves to wear her "necklaces" which happen to be Shawn's ear phones. She will get them and drape them around her neck wearing them for most of the day.
She still loves to eat and has been eating her weight in meat. She loves bar-b-que chicken especially from her Dad's favorite place Shakedown bar-b-que. She could be their mascot with as much as she eats. She still loves fruit and although she is getting a bit more sure about what she likes and dislikes she will give anything a try. She sleeps well at naps and at night usually from 8 to7 everyday and then a two hour nap in the am and 1.5 hour nap in the afternoon. She has 4 teeth two on top and two on the bottom. Her hair is in a difficult stage. I have started putting a clip in the front to keep it out of her eyes but most days she just looks a bit shaggy which is fine. I bit longer and she will be getting a pony tail on the top of her head and then the hair fun will begin.
Here are a few pictures of her during this past month. I like these pics but it is so hard to capture her essence which fills up the room when she enters.
Bathroom sink peek-a-boo is a game she loves. Here is how it looks from my perspective. This is how she starts and I ask, "Where is Sissy?" and then she ducks down and the pictures that follow show our game. It is so much fun and her face just lights up when she pops up. She is standing on her stool and I am sitting on Symeon's.
We celebrate every beautiful day with Marin aka Babes which is what Baby has been shortened to and to be honest Babes fits her. We have also added McGee to her list of nick names so Babes McGee it is this month. She is a mobile ball of fun, joy, smiles, hugs, laughs, all wrapped in this beautiful package. Marin you are a true blessing from God to our family and life is fuller because of your presence. We love you Babes McGee!