Monday, August 18, 2008

A day in the life of ...

a crawling baby!!!

These are all the places and things I found Symeon doing in a day.

Getting his diapers for me. What a helpful little guy

Cleaning up under the table. He knows this is a hard to reach place

Stacking up the tuperware lids we all know how frustrating that can be.

Here he is adjusting the antenna on the tv so the Olympics would come in clear.

Ok in this picture you are probably wondering where he is but when he pulled the basket down on top of himself the clothes were covering him and he was crying. Although I wanted to take his picture it felt a bit mean so I picked him up and comforted him then he didn't want anything to do with the clothes but I took a picture of his mishap. I mean really all he was trying to do was fold his own laundry, who can blame him for that.

Finally he was going to clean the bathroom but he decided to read Rolling Stone before he started. He was so upset by one article he had to rip out a few pages.


Andi said...

Send him on over. Between he and the kittens, my place will be spiffy in no time.

Rae said...

What a big boy helper!! Isn't it amazing the spots you find them in? I love how he is looking up with that oh-so-innocent face while he explores the bathroom!!

Amy said...

Oh, man, he is busy!!! Good luck with that.