Tuesday, August 5, 2008

5 months

Well it is hard to believe but Symeon is 5 months old. Well actually he is 51/2 but we are just getting to post now so the pictures are from a couple of weeks ago. In my mind 5 month olds still sit on blankets and play with toys but Symeon has decided that is not for him. He is very busy and Shawn and I are just waiting for the day when he needs stitches which we don't think will be long. Just today he pulled something out of an outlet, was in the closet, tried to eat the rug in the kitchen, was under Shawn's desk, crawled into a box of papers in my office, tried to climb into his chair on the floor, and explored under the end table. He had a busy day and his knees show it. They are pretty dirty and beat red from the carpeting but overall he seems to be enjoying his freedom. We do think if we put down shards of glass, a knife, a cute softy bunny, and cuddly blanket down on the floor Symeon would crawl over to the knife and carry it to the glass so he could sit in it while playing with the knife. We are wondering how he possibly knows what is the worst possible thing he can find and then hone in on it like there is nothing else in the room. It is fun to see him explore his world and this new phase in life brings some challenges and lots of joys.

Symeon eating sweet potatoes

Symeon in the tub

Looking at Eagles gear with Dad

Just hanging out with Dad


Jeff Delp said...

If you are worried about his knees, they sell baby knee pads!! You should look into it, I hear everyone is doing it! also, Sam and I enjoyed that same catalog.hqm

Andi said...

I think that perhaps you should also leave spent nuclear fuel in the room to see if he tries to eat that and rub himself in it like it's sweet potatoes - then you'll know you're in for big trouble. :)

Amy said...

Oh, man. You guys are in for it. He sounds way too busy and mobile for 5 months. He gave you no break. Good thing he's as cute as he is!