Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Just Hanging Out

And He's Out. Notice the one sock this is a regular occurrence in our house. Somehow he usually loses a sock during the day. Sometimes we find it and sometimes we don't it just depends on the day.

Symeon and me snuggling

Symeon just got this new chair and it depends on the day whether or not he likes to sit in it. We use his cow to prop him up a bit. He does look pretty cute in it. Don't worry Auntie Traci it is safe.


Rae said...

I am so jealous! When JK was little I wanted one of those way cool chairs but when I went to buy one there were none to be had! I checked Kids R Us, Target, Baby Depot, etc. etc. None. Zip. I think the babies look so adorable sitting in them and Symeon is no exception!

Andi said...

is he snarling at the cow in that picture? they really are going to have to work something out if they're going to co-exist . . . all the punching, the snarling - he just isn't living up to those pacifist expectations.

but then he's cute, so that covers a multitude. . .

Anonymous said...

my goodness he looks so big! and beautiful. and no worries i know you two are good!!! love ya lots. auntie traci