Wednesday, June 20, 2012

I do not like to be behind

I am one of those people who does not like to feel behind and when I do I have a tendency to shut down for a bit rather than buck up and push forward but luckily just for a little while.  I am behind about a month of blogging and since it is important to me I am pushing forward to get caught up and keep up.  I have found the past month of life to be so fun that finding time to sit down at my desk was difficult.  The weather has been beautiful, Symeon is done with preschool, we were on vacation in San Francisco, we celebrated Marin's 3rd birthday which seems impossible, Shawn's parents visited, and then my parents visited and then I took a week to recoup and spend some time hanging out with just the kids and Shawn.  We have been on playdates, we celebrated Father's Day in the mountains for the weekend biking 10 miles with our kids through the mountains at a very high altitude and they did great.  We have packed alot into the month and now I am ready to document it for us all to remember. 

I have enjoyed this month so much and I am so excited as we head into the "rest" of the summer for the adventures, fun, trips etc we will do together.  I also have to find a new rhythm for blogging and that is difficult.  Our days are packed full, bedtimes are much later although mine has stayed the same which leaves me so little time in the evening to blog which has been my routine.  I am up early around 5:30 but I have a routine that nourishes my soul during that time which I am not willing to change.  I have been reminded lately that all of life is an adjusting a reorienting to what is before us and are priorities.  Finding balance in a new routine takes a bit of time and since I will be doing this for the rest of my life I am finding the joy and peace in the adjusting not in the final new schedule.  So with that said I am figuring it out and almost have something that will work for me at this time in life and I hope to not get behind since catching up is always harder that maintaining at least for me.   

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