Friday, May 20, 2011

Happy Birthday Shawn

Well Shawn's birthday was way back in April but I thought I would still like to honor him if even a bit late.  This amazing man continues to amaze with each passing year.  He is a gentle soul, a quiet strong man, a hard worker who blows me away every day with his own business, a constant source of comfort and love for me and our children.  Just today he was working in his office and the kids went it to talk to him and before I knew it he was chasing them around the house being a strawberry  monster trying to eat their strawberries.  They were squealing with delight and so was he.  It was a beautiful sound and a beautiful thing to watch.  He is a blessing to us all.  Happy Birthday my love!

We were actually flying to the East Coast on his actual birthday so we celebrated a bit early.  The kids and I bought him a grill and he had marinated steak and cookie cake.  The kids helped me make the cake and picked out his cards.  They were very excited. 

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