Wednesday, October 7, 2009

My little collector

Symeon has begun collecting things which is quite an adventure. You just never know what you may find and where. He also rarely leaves the house without something in his hand. Today it was a plastic cup with two cars in it. He seems to put significant thought into what he will bring with him and I usually just wait by the door until he has what he wants sometime it takes a few tries until it is just right or because I veto whatever the radom object maybe then off we go.

He lined these cars all up before he brushed his teeth. Cars are a popular item these days.

On the far left is a puzzle piece of a car which in his mind counts as a car. He had to leave the bathroom mid brush to find the puzzle piece I guess something made him think of it.

Here is the rock he carried in from outside. He is really into rocks these days.

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