Friday, March 6, 2009

Visiting Cousins

We had such a nice time visiting Symeon's cousins in Atlanta. Symeon and Sam are only 10 months apart and they were so sweet together. We also met our new niece Maya born in early February and she is so adorable and such an easy going baby. We did find that Symeon was not to keen on me holding Maya so we will see what happens when our new baby comes.

Symeon and Sam in their cute pj's

Beautiful baby Maya

She is just so cute

So Atlanta and I have a love hate relationship. I love visiting Jeff and Katie but the weather never really works out when we are there. Usually it rains and is humid but this time in snowed which is really unusual for Atlanta. It was so bad our flight was cancelled but it was really pretty and lots of fun.

Where one was the other was not far behind. They both love to look at pictures on the computer.

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