Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Happy Birthday Symeon

We can't believe our little guy is a year old today we keep wondering where the time has gone and then we realize that we have enjoyed each and every moment of this past year with Symeon. Although the year seems to have passed in the blinking of an eye as we looked through our pictures we realized it was 365 days just like all the rest. Symeon's birthday is a good reminder to us that we need to appreciate every day, we don't want to always be looking ahead and we don't want to always be holding onto the past, the present moments are just to precious.

It is hard to share how I feel today last night I rocked Symeon to sleep which rarely happens anymore because he prefers to just be put in his crib but he has a cold so he really wanted to be held and I really wanted to hold him. I sat with him for about a half hour after he fell asleep crying, praying, thinking through the past year, the day of his birth, the fear, the joy, the overwhelming love that no one could have explained to me. I mourned what will never be again, I rejoiced in all that is to come and I relished the moment which I guess is all a mother can do any day of her baby's life.

Today is one of those days to pause and rejoice in the gift that Symeon is to Shawn and I. He is curious, loving, happy, determined, beautiful, adventerous, and silly. He loves water, George, blueberries, his Dad's computer, music, dancing, books, and his Mom's water bottle. He no longer crawls he prefers to walk, he no longer takes two naps a day he prefers one, he doesn't mind getting dressed but he hates having his pj's put on, he loves showers almost more than baths, and he prefers to have his food on a plate rather than just on his tray. He delights his Dad and I on a daily basis and we feel truly blessed to love him each and every day of his life. God has given us a true treasure and as we raise him we hope we can instill in him a deep sense of self, a true love for God, a tender spirit, and heart for the world. Happy Birthday our dear sweet Lovebug!!

Here are just a few pictures of him today. We will have his birthday party on Saturday so today we celebrated as a family and it was wonderful.

Bringing him home from the hospital

Today with a new ball

Symeon and Mommy today

Look at our big sweet guy

We just love this little face

Ok so I have to run because Symeon is crying while I try to finish "he is just oh so cute birthday post" I guess he doesn't really know it is his birthday today and he "should" be all giggles.


Rae said...

What a cutie pie!! Happy birthday, Symeon!!

Leep said...

Happy Happy Birthday Symeon! We are so very blessed to have you in our lives! Miss you so so much xoxox Auntie

Amy said...

Oh, girl, you got me crying...this is how I feel as a mom too. You captured it so well. It's an amazing journey, the highest of callings. Happy Birthday, Symeon.