Sunday, September 21, 2008

7 months old

Symeon is 7 months old and it is hard to believe. He seems to get sweeter, more loving, and more snuggly with age. He continues to amaze us with his physical ability and coordination. He stands quite a bit, finds it easy to pull himself up, stands on his tip toes when there is something he is trying to reach. Sometimes when he needs both hands he uses one elbow to steady himself he doesn't need to much help to stand and he is letting go with more frequency and staying on his feet longer. He will also hold your hands and walk slowly and a little clumsy but he is learning.

Standing with Mommy

Walking with Daddy

1 comment:

Andi said...

I like how he always hunts out the camera for his photo shots. . . those paparazzi - his adoring fans.