Sunday, July 20, 2008

New Things

Well Symeon turned 5 months old on the 18th and it seems this month has brought so much change. He is asserting his will, trying new things, and is starting to be on the move. Shawn and I are really enjoying these new stages. He continues to be a happy baby who loves people, smiles and laughs easily, and people always say he seems so content which is true. He sleeps very well at night usually from 7 to 7 without a peep from him. We feel really blessed to have such a delightful baby.

Symeon trying rice cereal. He really really likes it the other day we left and we had wiped his face and when we got to the car it had dried and you could see it all over him in his ears, nose, under his chin, and in his eyelashes. The whole process is pretty funny. He also started doing raspberries and when he is eating it goes all over you as well. We tried to video tape him doing raspberries but once again when the camera came out he became really serious and wouldn't do anything.

Much to our surprise about a week ago Symeon began getting into the crawl position and rocking back and forth. He still has trouble getting his hands to move the way he needs but he gets where he wants to go slowly still but he gets there. In a few more weeks he should have it down and I hope we are prepared for a baby on the move.

Just today Symeon went from lying down to sitting up. He can kind of sit up for a few seconds and then falls over so I was surprised as I watched him this morning to see him go from lying down to sitting up. He sat looking surprised for a minute and then fell over but we counted it as a successful unassisted sit up. It was fun to watch him figure out what he needed to do to make it work. He gets pretty determined and focused when there is something he wants to do. I wonder where he gets that from??

Symeon loves his feet, now that he has found them they are the go everywhere toy that just keeps giving. He often plays with them when he should be going down for a nap but what do you do since you can't take them away? It is super sweet to see him having so much fun.

We think Symeon is starting to feel the ache of teeth. He chews on everything we such vigor and he loves to suck on his fingers. I love when he does this it is just so cute.


Anonymous said...

look at all that hair on his head he is growing way to fast for me xoxo traci

Amy said...

Oh my gosh!!! He's changed sooo much...gone from helpless infant to little man...I can't believe the difference. Big milestones since your last post. Aren't they fun?

Anonymous said...

Shawn & Shelva-
Symeon is way too cute!!! He really is growing up!! so fun to read your posts. hope all is well..luv from denver.
p.s shelva your hair looks good! :)