Thursday, December 16, 2010

The Lasts

I have always struggled with change as you all probably know because if you know me at all you know that major life changes or really even small life changes are very difficult for me.  Well this major life change came much easier than I had expected.  I felt such a peace about making this change in life that at times I figured I was just in denial but nope I really do feel at peace.  Maybe it is age, maybe motherhood, maybe God giving me a peace whatever it is I am really enjoying this major change.  Don't get me wrong I am homesick at times, I miss so many dear people in our lives, I long for the familiar, I grieved all of our lasts, and I am exhausted from everything new including not knowing where anything is in Target which is maddening to say the least.  It is a struggle when normal routine things take me twice as  long because of the learning curve and I really hate boxes sitting around but deep down in the place that matters most I am content and I am happy.

Here are a few pictures of all the change in life...

Shawn's last hockey game in PA

Yes this is Marin in the locker room if Symeon is going in then so is she

The last few days at Paxton

Saying good-bye to the cousins, Christmas in Telford in November

Seeing our new home in Denver for the first time and moving in with our dear friends Michael and Denise

 Our new front door

Running around in an empty house after 4 days in the car driving cross country, nice!

Enjoying our new family room

Enjoying our first meal in our new house days before any of our stuff arrived

Our POD arrived and the real work began

Two great supervisors

Here we are with our new home in the background

Relaxing after a few really long days 

Our breakfast nook after some boxes were unpacked, oh the adventure for the kids and the work for their Mama

Here is Shawn and several friends trying really hard to push our brand new king size mattress down the stairs with an over hang and around a corner at the bottom.  It was touch and go for a bit and then finally when Shawn laid on the top and Michael pulled from the bottom it finally went down we are just not sure how it is going to get back up but we decided not to worry about it until the day we have to get it out.  Until that day I an enjoying every night on this bed which is like sleeping on a really large amazing cloud.  I love it!

Taking a DVD and snack break on a chilly day.  We were still moving stuff in from the PODS so the front door was open we don't usually have to wear coats and hats inside.

Some of the dear friends who helped us unload our PODS over two days.  We had so much help it was wonderful.  Thanks to all our dear friends who helped make our return to Denver wonderful.  

Symeon and Marin enjoying our large dining room windows watching birds and squirrels running about.  


Amy said...

The house looks amazing! Looks like everyone is settling in nicely! Have you ever seen the episode on "Friends" when Ross is moving a mattress? Pivot!

Lisa said...

The house looks beautiful and spacious! What a blessing to already have friends there. So thankful you are at peace with everything. We DO miss you here :)