Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Made it to round 10

Well it has been quite a while since I have posted. I feel like we have been in a boxing match for the past six weeks and honestly i might have opted for a knock out rather than a long drawn out fight. It all started with when Shawn had the regular flu then I got it then sissy. Symeon had his flu shot and avoided that illness. Then about the time I was feeling better I caught the stomach flu then Symeon, then Marin, then Shawn. Someone was either pooping or puking in our house for over a week. Then like that was not enough both our kids had bronchitis and it was miserable. Symeon had to have breathing treatments and change antibiotics and Marin was coughing like an adult it was a horrible intense week following two previous horrible and intense weeks. Then both kids decided to cut four teeth at the same time I am all for getting tooth cutting over with but following the month we had it was all I could do but cry. Then Marin started over with cold symptoms which seemed to pass in a few days and then her and I went to Denver to visit friends and she got sick on the trip. When I called home to check on Symeon and Shawn he said Symeon had a cold. Ok really it is enough, when we got home last Marin was up a good portion of the night crying and I knew she had an ear infection. Off to the doctors today and yes she did so now she is on an antibiotic and we are hoping for a better night tonight. So honestly I feel lucky to still be standing following the past six weeks and I hope that with Spring we are all going to be feeling much better and I will be able to get caught up on my blogging. So I hope over the next week, if everyone stays healthy I will get all caught up on the happenings of our lives because in the midst of all this illness we have had some great times to celebrate as well. Symeon turned 2, Marin turned 10 months, we went to CT, Marin and I went to Denver, and Shawn and I celebrated our 7th wedding anniversary all be it with two very very sick children but there is no one else in the world I would rather have standing next to me while we held our children through some very long nights.

1 comment:

Amy said...

Ugh! NOT fun! I love reading up on you guys. You are amazing parents!