Thursday, February 25, 2010

Haiti Hope

Our dear friends Dave and Christie have been working to adopt a little girl from Haiti for the past 3 years.  Their daughter has been living at an orphanage in Port-au-Prince and lots of red tape seemed like it would still be a few more years before she joined their family.  The terrible situation created by the earthquake in Haiti sped up the process and after many stressful sleepless nights at home and in the airport they were able to hug their daughter for the first time.  It really is an amazing story that had a happy ending but they also know how blessed they are because there are so many children in Haiti left in the aftermath of this disaster without anyone to care for them or advocate for them.  Please continue to pray for the country of Haiti.

Here is a great family picture with Ila home safe and sound!

  Mathis-4, Ila - 3, Jonas 16 months, Christe and Dave ages to remain a secret.  We love these dear friends so much and rejoice with them that their daughter is finally home safely after so many years. 

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