Tuesday, April 29, 2008

The Political Areana for Babies

Symeon went to his first rally in Harrisburg. Obama stopped here and held a rally on the Capital steps so we all went to see him. Symeon took it all in for about an hour then proceeded to sleep through Obama's speech and people cheering. Overall it was a fun night and really they are never to young to start taking a stand.

Much to his Grandpop's sadness Symeon has decided to be a democrat. Here he is with the sticker he got the night of the rally. He was one of the youngest supporters there, although we did see some other babies as we were leaving.


Andi said...

Muscle men for Obama!!! You go, Symeon, showing the rest of us how to be an involved citizen.

Unknown said...

Shelva, this is so great! How funny!