Monday, November 3, 2008

Look No Hands

It has happened, Symeon now stands up most of the time without holding onto anything. He can also crouch down grab a toy and stand up again without holding on. or falling It is funny to see him do these things since he is only 8 1/2 months old. He seems so tiny and I guess he is pretty small. The other night he was about to fall so he arched his back and curled his toes into the carpet and I thought he was going down but he didn't, a little arm flailing went a long way to keep him on his feet.

Please excuse the outfit, it is a long story but be assured he did not leave our apartment looking like this.

Happy Halloween

Well we had lots of fun on Symeon's first Halloween he was a duck. He looked adorable wearing the costume my sister-in-law Traci made for Austin 8 years ago for his first Halloween. I was so excited to Symeon as a duck but it was weird to think Austin had worn it so many years ago. We went to our friends Elizabeth and Steve's house to trick-or-treat and then helped pass out some candy. Then we returned to Paxton where we live and work to attend the Halloween party. It was alot of fun and Symeon seemed to enjoy himself. He really loved the party where there were lots of folks in costumes, music, and wild lights.

Daddy and the duck man

The duck man and Mommy

Symeon and I helping Elizabeth pass out candy

Us with two of our favorite Paxton residents

This resident loves Symeon so much it was fun to have our picture taken with her

Philly Sports Weekend

I have always wanted to attend multiple Philadelphia sports event in one weekend and the Phillies' trip to the World Series offered Shelva and I a chance to experience this opportunity. We dropped off Symeon at my Mom's house and headed to Philly for a weekend away. Our first event was the Flyers game at the Wachovia Center in which the Flyers won 5-4 in OT. Then we walked to Citizens Bank Park to catch game 3 of the World Series. During our short walk to the baseball stadium in began to pour and we got drenched just a few feet from getting into the stadium. We tried our best to dry off and spent the long rain delay in a enclosed elevator room with about 30 other people. The game got under way at about 10 and the Phillies won in dramatic fashion in the bottom of the 9th inning. On Sunday we got up, ate breakfast at the diner across the street from our hotel and walked to the Eagles Stadium to watch the Eagles beat the Falcons to complete a perfect 3-0 weekend. Shelva and I had a great time and we survived leaving Symeon for a weekend!