Friday, July 16, 2010

Symeon's Cast

Well Symeon had his cast removed and he did great.  We read multiple books from the library about bones and one focused on getting your cast removed.  Symeon is a child who needs lots of prep for new things and lots of transition time so with that knowledge I always try to prep him with books when new things are coming.  Everyone at the office was commenting on how good he was behaving and that he wasn't screaming and crying he actually was enjoying the new adventure.  He is always up for an adventure so that can made every new thing pretty fun.  Good news is he is all healed up and he is using his arm just fine.  The doctor was really pleased and so were we although the cast did not really bother him much it was nice to have it off so he can get back to swimming and other summer fun that had been off limits. 

So here he is getting ready to leave for the doctor's office.  He is carrying his tool box since the book we ready referenced the use of tools to remove his cast.  He told me multiple times he wanted to take his tools which we did and the doctor looked them over and then she had her tool box as well which I had told Symeon she might. 

Symeon was amazing through this whole experience from the day he broke his arm to the day his cast was removed.  I am so thankful that he is curious, flexible, easy going, and loves a new adventure and I am a bit worried that this combo will lead to additional posts of broken bones and injuries.  But here is to the adventure Symeon guy, I am right here with you.

  On his way to the doctor to have his cast removed and bringing his tools just in case. 

Here he is that night helping me shuck corn without a cast and doing just fine. 

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