Sunday, July 18, 2010

Good friends

We try to instill a sense of friendship and in love in our children for others, the world, an for each other some days it shines bright and others well they are human and we can't be loving all the time but here are a few pictures of them loving each other. 

I have posted this picture a few times honestly because I love it.  

Enjoying their "boat" ride

Serving time out together

Eating lunch at the kiddos table, no pants required at this restaurant

Sharing Marin's car

Symeon will push Marin for quite awhile and she is happy as can be turning the steering wheel and keeping her feel up so they can go "fast"

Some golf baseball tips for little sister

Shucking corn together

Marin is always keeping an eye on Symeon so if he tries something new she follows.

If he can climb so can she


Double the fun and double the trouble!  
Symeon open's the door and then they both climb inside. 

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