Thursday, January 7, 2010

7 months a bit late

Well I am really late with Marin's seven month update but I figure better late than never.  The 6 to 7th month for Marin was very busy.  She has been crawling since she was 5 months old but she took it up a notch this month and became a speed crawler.  She puts her head down and bee lines for her destination which usually involves following Symeon somewhere.  She started eating tons of foods and she prefers real people food to baby food.  Symeon taught her to clap and she will do it if  you ask her.  She began climbing on everything, pulling anything down she can reach, pulling herself up to standing.  We had to lower her crib when I walked in and she was standing up at the rail and much to our amazement she has started letting go while standing.   We will look over and she will just be standing there, not holding on to anything and curling her little toes into the carpet for balance.  I looked back to see when Symeon began doing this since he was such an earlier walker and he started around 8 months so I wonder what it means that she is 2 months ahead of him on this skill.  Symeon took his first steps at 10 months so what does that mean Marin might take her first steps at 8 months???!!!! 

Marin has become much friendlier and social.  She is still tentative to go to folks but if you sit on the floor she will come right over to interact which is a huge step for her.  Her hair continues to fill in and she is just so cute.  She still laughs so easy and loves to mix things up.  In the morning I open Symeon's door and she crawls in to greet him.  They usually "talk" with each other and laugh it is so cute.  Marin continues to "tattle" on her brother should he do something she does not like and I am not watching.  She also protests with great vigor if you try to take something from her she really wants and if she is headed toward something she really wants there is little you can do to divert her from her goal.  It will be fun to see how her determined spirit will play out in her life.   

There are so many things I love about this age.  I love the way she stands and waits for you to come get her out of bed and when you do she smiles and laughs with such unabated joy and love for you.  I love how curious she is and how much she is exploring.  I love that she is finding some independence but she still loves to be held and snuggled.  I love that she loves all different types of food and she would rather feed herself than have you feed her.  I love how her face lights up when she sees Shawn or I and she will crawl toward either of us with such speed so we can scoop her up and love on her.  I love that she laughs really hard every time she sees running water.  I love that this month was the first time we found her playing in the toilet.  I love that we basically have to bathe her after every meal because eating is a full contact activity for Marin.  I love that she loves baths.  I love that she plays with me hand every time she nurse and even when she is asleep at night she will continue to rub my fingers.  I love the way she smells most of the time.  I love that when she sees you stacking up blocks where ever she is she comes a crawling and knocks them over with such force they go flying.  I love that she loves her glow baby.  I love that when she hears music she rocks back and forth like she is dancing.  I love the way she claps her chubby little hands.   I love the light in her eyes when she figures something new out or when she recognizes someone she adores like Symeon. 

Once again as this month passes we have truly enjoyed so much about Marin.  We feel so blessed to be watching her grow into such an amazing little person.  Our dear baby girl there is just so much about you that is spectacular!

While in CT in November my dear friend Lisa took some amazing pictures of Marin and I to mark her 6th month of life.  Here are a few of my favorites it was really hard to choose since there were so many great ones.  Lisa really captured Marin's spirit so enjoy this small glimpse into our amazing little girl's essence. 














 I pray the light in her soul will always be this palpable


Leep said...

How lovely, they brought tears to my eyes. You will be able to chrerish these photos forever..

Joel and Jenny said...

Beautiful pics. can't wait to see you soon and eat ice cream together!