Sunday, January 31, 2010

Lady Gaga and Sunday School?

If you don't know who I am talking about I don't believe you are missing much.  She is a singer that I am not to fond of and really the only reason I even know who she is is because Shawn buys and sells tickets for her show.  Since he brokers some tickets from her shows he receives some free stuff from "her" so in the mail there was a picture of her on these silly little stars.  Symeon found one and showed it to me and off the cuff I said yah that is Lady Gaga she is silly.  As soon as I said it I regretted it because he looked at me and said Gaga and laughed and I knew he was an instant fan.  Gaga has become one of his favorites.  He picked her out in one of Shawn's Rolling Stones magazines and her picture was up on the computer the other day and Symeon yelled out Gaga.  He will carry the star around saying Gaga.  Shawn encourages him since Laday Gaga annoys me.  I like to think it has to do with the funny costumes she wears more than anything else.  I feel okay about Gaga being one of his favorite words because his other favorite is Sunday School so I think that trumps Lady Gaga.


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