Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Ok so rarely do I vent on my blog in general I hit the highlights of life, special events, fun pictures etc. but today I think a good venting is in order so that I can get it off my chest and go to bed laughing. I am going to make a tee shirt that says just because I pregnant you do not have the right to say anything you want to me especially if you don't know me!!! It seems to me that people feel like they can say whatever they want to you and I am not sure where or how that began in our society but it seems I am going to have to start putting people in their place during my last few weeks of pregnancy. I read on my friends blog who is due in July that lots of people have been commenting on how big she is considering when she is due. Seriously is this really ok???? I told my parents I was going to write a book of all the things you shouldn't say to a pregnant person especially one with only a few weeks to go. But since I haven't gotten around to the book yet my venting post will have to do.

Here are a few comments I have heard pregnant that just get under my skin (my thoughts are in parenthesis)

1. my Shelva were you this big with Symeon (actually I am smaller at this point than I was with Symeon but does it really matter?)
2. my Shelva you look bigger every time I see you (really I guess that's because a human being is growing inside of me)
3. you haven't had that baby yet (really oh my gosh I thought I had and I guess I am glad I haven't since it is still a bit early and it is better for the baby to stay inside until they are full term you idiot)
4. you look really pregnant from the back (I guess that is because I am really pregnant and my gosh so do you but your not)
5. a guy in a convenience store said to me I can relate (I thought what is he talking about then I looked up and he had a huge belly and I had to laugh) then he said it is hard to put your socks on isn't it (I thought yah but soon it won't be for me)
6. Shelva are you ok yes I am just really tired someone passing by says you need some caffeine I say actually I don't drink caffeine and I look at my stomach then this person insists I would be fine if I had some caffeine (I didn't say anything because I wanted to smack them because what I need is to sleep through the night without peeing every two hours, I need my cold to go away, I need my sick child and husband to feel better, and I want to be left alone while I am trying to work, I am pretty sure caffeine is not what I needed seriously.)
7. a nice woman says when are you due I tell her and she says you're so small I was huge when I was as pregnant as you (I thought how sweet and then wait for it she continues to tell me her birth story while I am sitting in a message chair trying to relax after I was adjusted at the chiropractor and it was the first quiet moment I had all day really can someone cut me a break)
8. one dear sweet resident where I work said in the nicest way possible Shelva no matter how fat you get you will still be beautiful (he is so sweet how could I get upset about that one but really using fat in any sentence with a pregnant woman is not a good idea)
9. I have heard way to many horrific birthing stories from total strangers in the grocery store, mall, doctors office, anywhere and everywhere (thanks for all the gruesome info but I didn't ask and the last image I want is of a stranger spread eagle while I am grocery shopping or honestly ever)
10. my you are really big (I think people should say you are so blessed to be going full term and having a healthy baby not everyone is so blessed)
11. the worst is you are so tiny I hope nothing is wrong with your baby (really this is just down right wrong)

So for anyone who has never been pregnant think before you speak because this is one pregnant woman who is going to respond with what is really on her mind the next time someone decides they can comment about my body and really I don't think anyone wants me to do that.

Now that I am done venting I must confess that I have had just as many beautiful things said to me things like, I think pregnant women are so beautiful, Shelva you are beautiful pregnant you carry it well, you should have more children it agrees with you, it will be exciting to meet that beautiful new person you are carrying, Shelva you are so cute what a great belly and the list goes on so to all those people thanks for making me feel beautiful especially during these last few weeks. Thanks for letting me get this out I am off to bed with a smile and a sense of pure joy that I have the privilege to carry a life and bring a child into this world.


Bendor family said...

Amen, amen! Really what is wrong with people??? "Iincubating a human' (Hannah's phrase) is a lot of work and takes some space- people can be so crazy! I love the editorial comments- you are hilarious! :)

Lisa said...

Now THAT is a great way to start the day...laughter IS good medicine! I thought my favorite was #3 but then they kept getting better! I know people are just trying to make conversation, but seriously, THINK before you say something.

I only had the nerve to mention the strangers that have commented. Perhaps worse is my MIL (who has been pregnant 3 times). Nearly evreytime she sees me now, its something about my size, usually comparing my size to my sister's, who is due 7 weeks earlier. Sunday it was the, "are you sure there are not twins in there??". Shaun happened to be sitting close for that one and took the opportunity to set her straight.

I know I will come back to read this post many times before July...thanks so much!

Anonymous said...

My mother and I had a ball reading this. You are definately a "chip off the old block!" Keep up your spirits and good luck with your new addition. May God bless all of you!
(your Mom's friend)

Andi said...

So, I should say, you're beautiful, lovely, and are going to have another kick-ass kid soon . . . is that right? Well, good, because I mean it.

Amy said...

Sadly this is all too true. I agree, what warrants the comments toward a pregnant woman. Let's level the playing field. If we're going to comment on body shapes and sizes, the let's do it! If your just fat, no one says anything. If your pregnant, the floodgates open!

At least they are all documented now and saved for when you do finish your best-seller!