Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Happy Easter

We had a very nice and restful Easter which was such a blessing since we have all been sick. On Saturday our church had an Easter egg hunt and since it rained pretty hard we had to have it inside but Symeon didn't mind he mostly wandered around looking for eggs was not quite his thing. It was nice to have our dear friends Dave, Christie, Mathis, and Jonas join us and later we had a cook out after the rain passed. On Sunday Symeon and I slept through the sunrise service and pancake breakfast but Shawn had a nice time and later he picked us up so we could go to church as a family. We spent the afternoon together and had friends over for a nice dinner of cheese, home made granola bread, and fresh fruit. Shawn had some ham, potatoes, and corn but the rest of us were content with a simpler meal. It was a very blessed Easter weekend.

At first Symeon wasn't to keen on the Easter Bunny but obviously he grew on him.

Symeon and Mathis seem to be discussing something of utmost importance while they enjoy muffins. You can see on the table Symeon found some paint he carried around rather than collecting eggs.

Baby Jonas is just so cute I mean really look at that face and he is personality is just as sweet.

The Hubner family my gosh they are good looking!

Symeon riding the powered four wheeler and doing a little trick while he was at it.

1 comment:

Leep said...

oh my goodness Jonas is so so perfect!! That baby is beautiful. Their family picture is so sweet they all look so happy. I can't believe how big Symeon is looking. He is growing way to fast for me. You need to try and slow him down a bit, because I am here crying looking at him on my computer screen. miss ya xoxo