Saturday, May 1, 2010


Recently I have been so humbled as a mother.  I have always believed I forgive easily and in general I do but there are those times when things sneak up on you and you realize that deep inside yourself you were holding onto a hurt and maybe even nursing it. 

Well my 2 year old and 11 month old show me true forgiveness on a daily basis not only do they forgive me everyday for some mistake they forgive one another freely and without remembering the wrongs.  I have started taking them on my lap and apologizing to them when I have done something wrong or feel like I have blown it with them.  As they grow up I am sure I will have to say sorry many times because let's face it I am going to blow it often as I learn to be a mom to these two amazing changing people so I figure I mine as well start now so it is a normal part of our lives.  It makes it easy to ask them for forgiveness when they throw their arms around you and love on you.  I hope they will always accept my apologies like this and I hope I can accept theirs in the same manner. 

They also forgive one another so freely.  One minute they can be fighting for something and the next minute they are giving each other loves.  Symeon can be saying bye-bye baby when Sissy is bothering him and the next minute if I am give him something he wants to make sure there is one for Babes as well.  He never forgets about her.  He has taken to holding her hand these days when they walk and the other day she fell down and Symeon went over and grabbed her hand and helped her up.  It was so sweet and so loving and I am not quite sure he wasn't the one to push her down but hey that doesn't mean you can't be the one to help her up.

  I guess that is the essence of it all.  I don't literally push anyone down but I am sure there are days that I emotionally or spiritually push friends, Shawn, my kids, my family, or myself down but that doesn't mean I can't be the one to help them up as well.  Thank you Symeon and Marin for living out forgiveness and acceptance on a daily basis I pray we always have this type of honest real relationship with one another.

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