Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Symeon turns 2

I find it hard to believe but it our little guy turned 2 years old on February 18th.  We had such fun celebrating his birthday in CT with family and friends.  He had a Sesame Street party that Oma and Papaw made special with lots of little extras.  It is hard to put into words the amazing little guy that Symeon is and what he means to our family.  It it like trying to describe this amazing work of art that you have to see and experience in order to appreciate the fullness of its beauty.  Symeon has turned into this amazing little guy that lives life fully.  He runs at full speed in every aspect of life.  He continues to be a bit of a daredevil and there are days I pray for a healthy fear to come over him before he has his driver's license. 

He loves sports and at this moment hockey is his favorite one to play.  He loves to draw, play outside, read books, watch Sesame Street, jump on the bed, visit his friends around Paxton, ride the elevator, watch out for his baby sister, cook with Mommy, and he still loves the computer.  His favorite food continues to be fruit of any kind and as much as you will allow him to eat.  The world is prettier through Symeon's eyes.  He still asks about the Christmas tree which is awesome.  Symeon still sleeps with Cat in the Hat and pulls his tail to follow sleep. 

Symeon is a joy and a blessing and this past year with him has been full of love, struggles, heart ache, profound joy, missteps, mistakes, tears from us all at one time or another, forgiveness given freely when we have made a mistake or lost our tempers.  He is growing into this amazing person and we are humbled by the fact that we have been entrusted with his care.  Our lives are richer, deeper, happier, and scarier by having him in our family. 

Symeon we love you so much and feel so honored to be your parents.  We are not perfect and we will make so many mistakes as we raise you but we hope with a lot of prayer, a bunch of grace from us all, and a lot of laughter and love we will create a home for you where you will feel safe enough and loved enough to venture out into the world and become who God has created you to be.  Happy Birthday our dear sweet guy! 

Symeon the day we brought him home from the hospital

Symeon when he turned 1

Symeon at 2

Birthday Party in Connecticut

Clover and Symeon at his birthday party

Symeon was a little shy when everyone was singing Happy Birthday

Some cute pics of our guy 

Always up for a climb and an adventure

What you can't see is that he colored all of his front teeth green as well

Hiding in our TV cabinet

Still a computer junkie - I wonder if Bill Gates' mother wrote that about him when he was a kid? 

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