Wednesday, October 7, 2009


My parents came to visit and watch the kids for us while I worked and Shawn was away with his youth group. They were a blessing and tons of fun to have around. Then we all went to a family reunion in Virginia which was also a special time. Both Symeon and Marin received lots of luvin from Oma and PaPaw.

Also I need to give credit to my amazingly talented Mother who made all of Marin's birth announcements. I have received many compliments and questions like where did you find the time? Well I didn't and thanks to my Mom people received them before Marin's 1st birthday. Thanks Mom I sure do love you!

Having fun with PaPaw.

Snuggling with Oma at bedtime

If you are wondering where Marin and I get our blue eyes now you know.

Snuggling with PaPaw.

Extra kisses from Oma

1 comment:

Amy said...

Sooooo sweet! I love Marin's hair!

Can't believe she's already getting to where she wants to go. It will be 'double trouble' before you know it!!