Thursday, July 9, 2009

A Great Plan

Ok so I had a great plan for my morning. I was going to catch up with blogging since it has been awhile but my kids had another idea for my morning. Marin was up at 5 am to nurse which was fine with me so I nursed her and put her back to bed where she will usually sleep until 9 or later. Then I got in the shower and since everyone was sleeping I "planned" a nice long shower where I would be able to shave my legs how exciting! Well I did get the long shower which was a blessing since I usually get about 5 minutes these days but at least I get one everyday! When I got out of the shower I heard some crying and one voice said go check on your little ones and the other voice said ignore it whoever it is will go back to sleep. Well Symeon did not go back to sleep instead he decided he needed some extra loving since he is cutting his molars. So I went in and snuggled my little guy and read him books for about a 1/2 an hour and then he was up for the day at 6:45....

Ok so it is 3 days later and I am really going to finish this post and try to get caught up. Let me tell you what my day looks like and it will make sense why it might take me 3 days to finish a post. I am up at 5 ish to nurse Marin then I shower and get ready for work or I collapse back in bed because I am so tired. Then Symeon gets up and we all try to eat breakfast where Shawn and I take turns showering while the kids are content. Then I go to work hopefully by 8 but not usually. I work all day running up to nurse Marin in between meetings and other work duties (she will not take a bottle no matter what I put in it). I get home around 4:30 make dinner play with the kids go outside with them, then it is usuallybath time and Symeon goes to bed and all evening I hold Marin because for some reason she does not like Shawn to hold her after I get home actually if she is awake she prefers me to hold her. So all night while getting dinner or doing anything I am holding Marin. After Symeon goes to bed Marin and I have a nice routine where we get her a bath, sit on the porch, nurse, get ready for bed and then we try to put her in her bed where she cries after 10 mins so sometimes it takes about 3 hours before she will stay in her bed and stay asleep. After this I get everything ready for work the next day and go to bed. So when my posts are a bit spotty I can read this post and remind myself that with the few spare minutes I have in the day I want to spend them with my kids.

So to finish my post.

At 7 am Marin was up for the day and so was Shawn so I never got anything done that I wanted to do but I did spend some time with the family before I went to work.

Here are some pictures of our mornings together.

One of Symeon's early morning molar cutting days. Thank God he has two and only has two more to go for now.

What can I say I think this picture explains it all.

1 comment:

Amy said...

Oh boy! You have such a great attitude! Rocco does the same thing with Colombo...cries. I'm sure it's just a phase. These precious days will be gone all too soon!